ustinov pressemitteilung 200812

“Let’s go and do it”

Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation: Press Release „Let´s go and do it“ August 12, 2022 Biologist, sculptor, brilliant inventor. In the Swiss countryside, Igor Ustinov has tapped into a source of raw energy. We meet Igor, the son of Peter Ustinov,…

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ustinov pressemitteilung 200812

“Mystery of Reality”

Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation: Magazine “Mystery of Reality” August 12, 2020 Biologist, sculptor, inventor: Igor Ustinov discusses his legendary father, his grandfather’s plot to assassinate Hitler, and how he plans to save the world with PET bottles. An interview by…

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ustinov magazin 200702

Grannies as Lifesavers

Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation: Magazine Grannies as Lifesavers July 2, 2020 Especially now, during the Corona crisis, it is evident how much different age groups depend on each other. The older generation relies on support from the younger one. Conversely,…

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ustinov pressemitteilung 200623

Meaningful Engagement

Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation: Press Release Meaningful Engagement June 23, 2020 MAX – The health magazine of the Max Grundig Clinic features a conversation with Igor Ustinov about the Peter Ustinov Foundation, co-founded by him and his father (Issue 03…

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