
Imprint for the site and the profiles of the Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation on social media (Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, Xing, YouTube)


Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation
Hochstraße 49
D-60313 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: 069 2722174-0


Foundation Information

Founder: Sir Peter Ustinov (†)
Foundation’s Headquarters: Munich
Year of Establishment: 1999

Foundation Bodies
Executive Board: Ali Taşbaşı

Foundation Council: Igor Ustinov (Chairman), Jihan Ustinov, Clara Ustinov, Francis Clivaz, Claudio Righetti, Anabel Ternès von Hattburg

Responsible Supervisory Authority

Government of Upper Bavaria
Maximilianstraße 39
80538 Munich

Donation Account

Postbank – a branch of Deutsche Bank AG
IBAN: DE 0225 0100 3009 0180 1301

Provider of this Website in accordance with the Telemedia Act (TMG):

Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation
Represented by the Executive Board Ali Taşbaşı
Hochstraße 49
D-60313 Frankfurt am Main

Responsible for editorial content in accordance with § 55 paragraph II, Broadcasting Treaty (RStV):

Ali Taşbaşı
Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation
Hochstraße 49
D-60313 Frankfurt am Main


Unless stated otherwise, all image credits are to be obtained from the publisher.


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