Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation: The Ustinov family

Sir Peter Ustinov and Igor Ustinov: two creative minds with a shared vision

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Familie Ustinov

The mission to enable children to lead a positive life through education and creativity.

Our founders, Sir Peter Ustinov and Igor Ustinov, come from a family that has produced over forty renowned artists in the last two generations alone. Actors, sculptors, composers, architects and set designers: creativity seems to be one of the Ustinov family’s strongest genes.

Get to know these two outstanding personalities better – and learn all about their drive to give children a positive life through education and creativity.

Familie Ustinov

About the founders

Sir Peter Ustinov, Gründer der Sir Peter Ustinov Stiftung

Sir Peter Ustinov

He was a citizen of the world and a true multi-talent. He was an artist, Oscar-winning actor, writer, director, set designer, storyteller and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

Igor Ustinov, Gründer der Sir Peter Ustinov Stiftung

Igor Ustinov

Like almost all members of the Ustinov family, Igor Ustinov is a creative spirit. He is a sculptor, a trained opera singer, a biologist and even an inventor.