India | St. Augustine Boarding School, Patenschaftskreis India e.V.

More Education for Less Poverty

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Ustinov Foundation projects

About the project

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Strong Children with a Strong Future.

  • Empowering children for a self-determined future – that is the goal of St. Augustine's Boarding School of the Diocese of Khandwa, located in the village of Sipur in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.

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The project

Opportunities and Future Perspectives for Disadvantaged Children.

  • In partnership with the Patenschaftskreis Indien e.V., the Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation has been supporting St. Augustine's Boarding School since the spring of 2022.
  • Madhya Pradesh is one of the least developed and poorest regions in India.
  • The Adivasis and Dalits, who stand outside the caste system, make up the majority of the local population. They are largely excluded from India's economic, cultural, and social life.
  • Indigenous tribal girls are particularly disadvantaged as they are considered inferior to boys and have no access to education.
  • With the support of the Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation, 70 children aged between five and twelve years have the opportunity for a high-quality education.
  • Their inclusion in the boarding school includes not only accommodation but also guaranteed medical care and education, as well as regular meals to support the healthy development of the children into responsible individuals.

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Fighting Poverty with Education.

  • Thanks to secured educational opportunities for the extremely disadvantaged and poverty-stricken children in the Diocese of Khandwa, the project makes a significant contribution to improving the educational situation.
  • Increasing the enrollment rate and reducing the dropout rate ultimately leads to poverty reduction in the Madhya Pradesh region.

Learn more now about the many projects we have been able to realize in the name of Sir Peter Ustinov with the help of numerous supporters.

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Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation

Lächelnder Junge bei einem von der Ustinov Stiftung unterstützten Programm