Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation: Magazine

Aid Against Hunger and Poverty in Kenya


Corn and Soap

The plight of the poor in Kenya has intensified since the lockdown imposed during the COVID-19 crisis. Schools were closed on March 16.

Day labor jobs for mothers and fathers are gone. People who live hand to mouth cannot find new work. Rebecca Lukale and Grace Odembo, the headmistresses of our ECD schools, are doing everything humanly possible to support the children and their families. They purchase corn, take it to local mills, and then distribute the freshly ground flour to families. This flour is used to make Ugali, a simple cornmeal porridge that is a staple food for many people in Kenya. They also buy soaps and face masks for the families, as far as these are still available in the markets. The teachers educate the children and their parents on important hygiene measures to protect against COVID-19 infections.

Even before the COVID-19 crisis, the children and their families lived in great poverty and distress. Now they are fighting for survival, as there is nothing left to eat.

Mrs. Lukale: “The situation is alarming, we hope to help as many children as possible.”

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